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Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair Care

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Hair Care

Aloe Vera is a type of succulent plant with fleshy leaves that consist of a natural gel and juice that has been prized for hundreds of years. The ancient Egyptians called Aloe "the plant of immortality" and it was an essential part of Cleopatra's and Nefertiti's beauty routines. Why?

Aloe vera contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants that work wonders for your body, both on the inside and the outside. It’s incredibly healing to the skin and can aid in the recovery of sunburns, burns, rashes, cuts, scrapes and more.

Aloe vera has become especially cherished in hair care, because it has many benefits for your hair and scalp. Aloe vera provides long-lasting moisturization – you'll observe increased softness and manageability. It also has the ability to balance the pH of your hair, scalp and skin. 

Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory, and protects against UV radiation (this strengthens the hair shaft and scalp, and can keep that shine and color lasting longer). It helps with hair growth and because of its special enzymes, it can even ward off excess oils and greasiness.

So be sure to look for this amazing ingredient in your hair and skincare products!

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